Right I may be biased but I do love this shopping center, there is nothing I love more than heading home and sneaking away minus kids into Athlone Town Centre, you midland ladies don’t know how lucky you are, having this on your doorstep!

This weekend was no exception when visiting home, I hightailed it in there with my two sisters. Its like our home ritual if we’re all in Westmeath at the same time!!I actually think my older sister has a worse obsession for it than me!!!

(Pic: @athlonetowncenter)
A quick Coffee/Tea break in Starbucks and we’re off, normally we hit River Island and work our way around and up!
I am a TK Maxx addict and I have to say the store in the Town Centre is fantastic, I have picked up fabulous stuff in there, Sunnies, bags, shoes you name it I’ve nabbed it!!
As you know Zara is my second home, I’ve an obsession with it, I should have shares in the place at this stage!!! The one in Athlone Town centre is amazing, it has so much stock, I love it!!
Next victim is Oasis stores, yes I have recently spent half the bank balance in there ..seriously loving the floral prints at the moment.
They have fantastic shops in the center, Born clothing, Next,Marks and Spencers, shoe lace (A fab shoe shop with unbelievable prices), Vero Moda, JD Sports, Tommy Hilfiger, Pamela Scotts (picked up a fab pair of salsa jeans there recently) Fields, Monsoon, Topshop, River Island as I mentioned, Zara, Oasis, oh and did I say Warehouse, yes warehouse another one of my favourites. They also have one of the best H&M stores. I love nabbing things from H&M when I’m home, now I know there is a H&M in Cork city but its not the same as having all your favourite stores under the one roof!! They are just a few of the stores in the Centre, but there’s over 60 stores in there!

They have Tiger which is lovely for quirky bits for the house, Sketchers is also a new addition, and do not get me started on McGorisks Pharmacy, for any beauty lover this place is a mecca for any type of beauty products you would need. They store AMAZING brands, cailyn, the balm, Flormar, Paese cosmetics, they have a huge selection those are only a handful of whats on offer. They are also stocking the fab bombay cups and candles, unfortunately they didn’t have my letter in stock at the weekend..no matter I will be back!! Any excuse!!

There is some fab restaurants if you feel peckish during the day and I would recommend “the Fattted Calf” it is divine!! And when your weight down with shopping bags just pop into the Sheraton for a little tipple!!
The centre is constantly organising superb events on a weekly or monthly basis not to mention special offers etc. Don’t believe me well check out some exciting events coming up in the next few weeks http://goo.gl/R8Wl8D Most recently I was lucky enough to attend a fabulous fashion show called the style sensation hosted by Susanne Jackson aka So Sue Me. It was also the final for Midlands Next Top Model, and the beautiful and deserving winner was Ciara Jennings, although all the contestants were gorgeous.

(The gorgeous Ciara Jennings)

Some of the looks at Style Sensation, just gorgeous outfits from a variety of stores.
If you are looking for a centre that not only has fantastic brands in one roof, but organised activities on a regular basis then Athlone Town Centre is the place for it. Without its a shopping mecca of the midlands and they are constantly growing and increasing their brands and stores…now currently penciling in my next visit!! Pic below is the aftermath results of “every” visit to the Centre!

Until next time
Pam xx
*This is not a sponsored post!
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